The 2019 edition of the World Day for the destruction of all weapons was held in Curinga, an event promoted by the New Pythagorean School which intends to officially establish this important "World Day" at an international level.
This new edition was organized with the association "The dunes of Acquania" of the president Rossella Oscuro and of its Deputy Iolanda Sorrenti, both also members of the NSP.
In the presence of the mayor Dr. Vincenzo Serrao, and many other curious present, including many members of the New Pythagorean School, Edwige Renaud, Vanessa Cardamone, the president of the Rotary Club of Lamezia Avv. Domenico Galati, the weapons were symbolically destroyed on the anvil, launching again a message of peace to the whole world.
The event was also attended by Felice Izzi and the members of Uisp, who are collaborating with the NSP for the great project of the "Cammino d'Italia", which will be illustrated on the occasion of the Celebration for the birth of Italy, another important initiative promoted and conceived by the New Pythagorean School and scheduled this year on 7 July next at the now famous Mulinum headquarters in San Floro.