Frequently asked questions and useful information.
How to join NPS
The New Pythagorean School is open to all, without any preclusion. You can also register to become an ordinary, adherent or supporter member online by filling in the form, or by going in person to an NSP office or at organised events.
Adhering member
- Reception of info and communication
- Voting rights at assemblies
- Receiving annual membership card
- Possibility of access to NPS courses
- Invitation to NPS events
- Ability to propose NPS initiatives
- Possibility of appointment among the heads of the co-ordinations
Ordinary member
- Reception of info and communication
- Voting rights at assemblies
- Receiving annual membership card
- Possibility of access to NPS courses
- Invitation to NPS events
- Ability to propose NPS initiatives
- Possibility of appointment among the heads of the co-ordinations
Supporting member
/free share
- Reception of info and communication
- Voting rights at assemblies
- Receiving annual membership card
- Possibility of access to NPS courses
- Invitation to NPS events
- Ability to propose NPS initiatives
- Possibility of appointment among the heads of the co-ordinations

Do you have any questions?
Before contacting us for clarification, please check the frequently asked questions.
If you still haven't found an answer, write to us here.
Where is the New Pythagorean School located?
The headquarters of the Nuova Scuola Pitagorica is in Crotone. The operational office is located in Vico Municipio n.1, while the registered office is in Viale Cristoforo Colombo n.199.
Other offices and locations are set up by the territorial coordinations in other cities, to find out which one is closest to you contact the NSP.
How to access the NPS courses?
In order to participate in training courses, including university courses, it is necessary to contact the NPS and register following the procedures indicated.
How to enrol in the New Pythagorean School?
In order to become a regular member of the NPS, it is necessary to fill in the membership application, either online or on paper, and complete the procedures by signing the relevant annual fee.
Where are they located and how are they managed?
In the NPS, members or the Council may propose the activation of a territorial seat in a city. This procedure is governed by an internal regulation. Currently, there are operational coordinations in Rome, Milan, Paris and Samo.
What does one have to do to participate in university courses and take exams?
Courses can be taken online, from PCs and smartphones, or in person at the locations indicated by the NPS. The same applies to the conduct of examinations.
What study courses and faculties does the NSP offer?
The NPS, thanks to collaborations with ANSI and other bodies, is able to offer a wide range of educational activities recognised by the Italian system. Some degree courses are advertised on this site. To discover the full range of courses on offer or to request the availability of specific courses, please contact the NPS.