The coordination of Crotone of the New Pythagorean School organized in Crotone on Tuesday, October 8, 2018 an important meeting with Professor Adriana Valerio. Historian, philosopher, internationally renowned theologian, professor at the Federico II University of Naples, Valerio presented her latest book to Crotone: Mary of Nazareth. History, traditions, dogmas.
On this occasion the theme of the greater dignity of women in Pythagoreanism was discussed, one of the central topics of the NPS.
A moderare l’incontro la coordinatrice della Nuova Scuola Pitagorica di Crotone Antonella Grotteria, che insieme alla collega Luciana Proietto, sono state anche le principali artefici dell’organizzazione di questa importante manifestazione.
Many personalities present, professionals, scholars, but also many curious, who were able to assist together with the members and the Board of the NPS to this prominent cultural event, in the presence of the councilor of culture Valentina Galdieri, the councilor to the public education Francesco Pesce and the president of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Municipality of Crotone Maria Ruggiero.
Various questions asked to the distinguished guest by the participants who were able to get so many food for thought.
The two programmed musical interludes, one in opening and one in closing, by the soprano Fabiola Amatore, who arrived for the occasion from Turin, and the maestro Luca Campana, were particularly appreciated.
The next appointment of the NPS scheduled in the Pythagorean city is scheduled for the next Friday, October 12th, on the occasion of the 12th edition of the Pythagorean cardiology meetings.